Self-reliance in agricultural products and enhancement of socio-economic wellbeing of Khengrig Namsum through enhanced improved good agriculture practices and production.
To enhance agriculture productivity through organized and improved production technologies, small enterprise development, value chain development and assured sustainable marketing mechanisms.
- To enhance food and nutrition security.
- To generate rural cash income and creation of employment opportunities.
- To enhance efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery system.
- Seek sound policies and legal frame works for the effective implementation of activities at the field level.
- Develop strategies and guidelines to ensure effective delivery of services thereby enhancing agriculture production at the dzongkhag level.
- Build and enhance human resource capacity of all levels for efficient service delivery.
- Encourage youths and private sector involvement in agriculture enterprise development.
- Plan, co-ordinate, monitor, and evaluate the implementation of agriculture development programs.
- Liaise with research and development of agriculture commodities for fund support and promising technologies.
- Ensure sustainable utilization and management of agriculture and natural resources in the long run.