22 October 2021




A team of enumerators from Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is in the Dzongkhag to conduct survey on Youth Integrity Assessment (YIA) for the youth (in schools, out of school-unemployed and out of school-employed) within age range from 15-24 and Evaluation of Social Accountability Program (SAP) in the Gewogs. 

ACC in collaboration with Ministry of Education (MoE) is conducting YIA survey to gather information on youth’s understanding of Integrity and its impact, both positive and negative. This survey will also look into the experiences and perception of youth related to corrupt practices in the country.

In collaboration with Department of Local Government (DLG), the survey team will be undertaking a study to evaluate the impact of the Social Accountability program to monitor and review the citizen’s engagement and participation in the budgeting and planning processes of developmental activities in the local level. 

The purpose of this survey is to provide empirical evidences for improving the existing systems in relation to the integrity perception and practices by the youth in the country, and also to enhance the transparency and accountability of public servants while delivering the services in relation to Social Accountability program which is implemented by DLG.